The Personality Revolution The Personality Revolution

The Personality Revolution

A second book to be entitled "The Personality Revolution" is currently in production and should be available in 2020. The book will use The Personality Revolution's Model of Personality, which is set out in the book "Personality and the Pursuit of Happiness", to explain the economic, political and social dynamics operating within modern society. In particular, it will explain:

  • why the world has been experiencing an upsurge in reactionary politics;
  • how the global financial system is rigged against the interests of ordinary citizens;
  • how we can create a fairer society and increase human wellbeing within the bounds of a market economy;
  • the steps we need to take if we are to move to an environmentally sustainable, global society; and
  • how you can play your part in effecting change.

You can sign up to receive a notification of the publication date here.